xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


On Fire...

So, I dropped four resumes off yesterday...two in telephone research offices, one at a safety training place that is looking for a writer for their Worker's Compensation manual, and one...the penultimate of jobs, in my humble opinion, as of this very moment, a job as a proof-reader in a printing firm. Ohhh...to use my skills in a productive way! Heaven for us reading geeks. But I have heard from the first two (which is good, considering I just dropped them off yesterday) and am waiting to hear from the rest. By the end of the week, I shall be more up to snuff. I hope that the response to the resumes I drop off for teaching will also garner such interest!

Hurrah for me, too, I fixed the screen door so we can open the window without fearing the cat will jump off the balcony! Because our apartment faces the sun most of the day, it gets really really warm...No, it gets stiflingly hot, even on days where the temperature itself isnt soaring but the sun is out. Nevertheless, I personally, would rather be warm than numb with cold. Now this isn't to say that I enjoy slow-roasting in my skin, but it is a small price to pay for a good dose of vitamin D. I am also hoping that constant exposure to the sun will help to alleviate the darkness of my moods some days.

Things are looking up for now, but I am trying to pull everything together for my portfolio. On the upside, my certification is well on its way to being completed. Just some forms to fill in and mail and I am set. Next up, application to public school board. The fact that I am teaching in their summer school ought to put my foot and then some, in the door.

Keep your fingers crossed, folks, here we go...

12:16 a.m. - 3/14/2001


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