xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Another Angel Become Earthbound:Stage 3


They bring me ginger ale and dinner and tell me that I can stay in my delivery room to enjoy the baby and dinner before I have to move to the maternity ward. Apparently, four other women were delivering at the same time and since delivered first, I got dibs on the semi-private room�all others had to go to a public four-bed room. Hurray! Hubby and I puzzle over names, since we hadn�t actually decide on a girl�s name since we were so sure that Peanut was going to be a Jacob.

6pm-After getting me settled into the semi-private room, hubby goes home for a quick nap and to get Julia. Baby and I settle in, and I snack a bit more on a second dinner that was waiting for us in the room and catch a short nap before we are mobbed by visitors.

8pm-Julia is affectionate towards the baby but clingy to Daddy and doesn�t last very long visiting. I spend the night waffling about names, trying not to call her Julia and marvelling over the fact that I am feeling so good already and how much easier it is to recover from a vaginal birth as opposed to the c-section I�d had last time. It is hard not to compare, even though it is really like apples and oranges.

I have what seems to be a small problem latching her on my right side and develop a blood blister that makes me a bit miserable but the nurse kind of brushes it off as minor and assures me that things will get better once my milk comes in.

By morning I am so ready to go home, to sleep in my own bed, to cuddle with both of my girls, to try and crash the wedding I�d missed and maybe catch a glimpse of my in-laws as they dart in and out of town. My doctor says I am doing remarkably well and releases me at my leisure. Before we can leave the hospital, though, we have to decide on her name. We both like the name Elena but didn't know if it would be a first or middle name and hubby tries to decide if he wants to use the name Natalie. I'd had a dream the night before about a "Nicola" and mention it to him and he tells me that he actually really likes the name Nicole. And so our daughter is named Elena Nicole. That momentous chore done, we pack up our stuff and make our way down.

I am ready to get on with the daily task of living and adjusting to the idea that we are now a family of four.

6:39 p.m. - 2004-07-30


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