xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Things That You Might Not Know (Part 1)

There was a challenge to post 500(!) things about yourself--after the first 150 or so, it means getting into the nitty gritty of who and what you really are. In that vein, I give you the free-flowing list: 500 Things That You Might Not Know About Me

1. I�ve haggled over things that I didn�t really want to purchase in a market in Thailand just to be able to say that I did it.
2. I�ve never cried over long distance TV commercials
3. Both of my children�s names are significant and remind me of people that I love
4. If you don�t already know the stories of their names, I�d rather not tell you
5. I still think a lot about friends I am no longer in touch with
6. I still love them despite the time and distance between us
7. I dream of reconciling with all of them
8. I don�t really have someone that I call my best friend anymore
9. Shopping has a therapeutic effect on me, even if I only buy a 5 cent candy
10. I miss the theory of teaching more than I miss being in a classroom
11. I think about writing entries for my journal all the time
12. When I sit down to write them, I write about other things
13. My favourite pen is a fine tipped blue Papermate
14. I�ve traveled all around the Pacific Rim
15. I love having my own blanket on the bed because I sleep curled in a bundle which makes sharing blankets impossible
16. It works out because my husband likes to cocoon himself in his own blanket too
17. I love to cook big, elaborate meals for people
18. I find it hard to sit still in a movie theatre, no matter how compelling the movie is
19. I read even boring books right to the end
20. I�d rather spend my money on books than clothes
21. I prefer wooden hangers to plastic and plastic ones to wire
22. I abhor ironing
23. I am petrified of dentists
24. A nurse once told me that after having a baby, needles would be a breeze
25. She was wrong
26. I was the token boy in my family until my brother was orn when I turned 6
27. I regret giving up on my language and music lessons when I was a kid
28. I hate that that means that my mother was right
29. I love washing dishes. I find it soothing and meditative
30. I hate drying dishes. I would rather wash them and leave them all the drip dry before putting them away
31. I hate foreplay
32. I wish that I remembered to write and send handwritten letters more often than I do
33. My favourite tea is Tazo Chai, seeped only for one or two minutes
34. I take honey in my tea
35. I buy my honey from honey farmers at the farmers markets
36. I love the farmers market
37. I am a terrible gardener and plant keeper
38. I once killed an air plant
39. I don�t know what I did to kill it though
40. I love watching my children when they are sleeping
41. I worry about my children drowning in the bathtub
42. I love wearing hats
43. I hate keeping track of them when I take them off
44. I would love to be a foster parent
45. Or a host family
46. My husband would be very uncomfortable being either
47. My life at 28 is pretty much what I thought it would be like when I was 15
48. I am thankful everyday I didn�t not marry my first fianc�
49. I am still grateful however that I learned to love Japanese food through him
50. I love eating sushi
51. If it weren�t so expensive, I�d eat it every day
52. Buses make me extremely nervous
53. I no longer relive my accident whenever I pass the bus stop that I got injured at
54. It took 7 years to get over that
55. My favourite vacation destination is Singapore
56. I like to re-arrange my furniture
57. I haven�t bought a new CD in over 3 years
58. I worry that my daughter has been tampered with sexually
59. I suffer from severe post-partum depression
60. I am on Zoloft
61. I think I also have Seasonal Affective Disorder
62. Sometimes my children�s laughter cant raise my spirits
63. I hate doing laundry
64. I think about home-schooling my children but would never do it unless they can not function in a normal school environment
65. I am less crafty than I used to be
66. My older daughter is obsessed with animals
67. I think that she will be some sort of biologist when she is older
68. I don�t enjoy doing crossword puzzles online
69. I read about 15 blogs per day
70. Most of them are friends IRL
71. They write about things that I would never know goes on in their heads and makes our friendships much deeper
72. I log in and out of LP at least 50 times per day
73. I don�t think that tipping in restaurants is a given
74. But I have never worked in a restaurant
75. I love taking pictures
76. I take the most pictures of my children
77. Followed closely by friends and inanimate objects
78. I sometimes feel shafted because my parents help my siblings out so much
79. Sometimes though I am proud that they feel like we are stable enough to make it on our own without their help
80. I am often much closer to the �edge� than I let on
81. I got caught shoplifting when I was 12
82. I am not proud of that
83. I ran with a bad crowd in junior high
84. I still talk to one girl from junior high school
85. I was one of the �losers�
86. So was she
87. I failed grade nine math because I didn�t pay any attention in class
88. I went to an international private school for high school
89. It was the best thing that ever happened to me
90. I was president of the Students Union in my grade 11 year
91. I ate McDonald french fries every day after school with my best friend in high school
92. My high school had no extracurricular options/courses
93. So I took an extra year of high school to do the things that I wanted to do before I went to university
94. That extra year of grade 12 motivated me to go to university
95. I hate eating walnuts
96. I would like to start a writing mailing ring
97. I miss having a pen pal
98. I had to be forced by my parents to learn how to drive
99. When I first got behind the wheel, I drove on the wrong side of the road
100. My parents have only ever been in the car with me driving twice.
101. I resented my parents for working so much when I was growing up
102. I love to sing
103. I had never sung in anything before university
104. Living in a men�s fraternity house really made me grow into my own skin
105. I don�t regret the people that I�ve slept with
106. I met my husband in Fort Mac
107. We were both driving 240 tonne trucks
108. I smoked while I drove truck so that I would stay awake during my night shifts
109. I still almost drove off the road
110. I caused $20,000 damage to one rear tire while I was backing up to dump my load
111. But at least I wasn�t the one that summer to tip my truck over
112. Some people gave us flack for dating while working together.
113. We didn�t care
114. One girl actually complained that we were alone together in the lunch trailer
115. Did she think we were going to get it on on the table with the boss outside?
116. We both hated her
117. Her name was Angela
118. I have nothing against other Angelas
119. She was the girlfriend of my hubby�s former best friend
120. How weird is that?
121. I meant to break this into 100 chunk sections

7:52 p.m. - 2005-04-20


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