xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



If there is one thing that I hate in the classroom is being caught unaware. That is, being handed a group of students a textbook and some sticky notes and told to teach them. Hello? If this was strictly in Language Arts, no problem. I have a wide enough knowledge base to draw from to teach effectively and confidently. Math, Science, and Social? Well...let's just say that a thorough review is not only needed but necessary. Only one of the teachers at the school I teach at does this to me on a regular basis, and is annoyed when I ask for more advanced notice. She is one of those teachers that really bugs me. She keeps her class on a tight rein, which is fine--especially with some of the students she has--but she doesn't quite understand the concept of team teaching. She is the one who HAS to be in control at all times. The results of which means that I am treated like an uneducated lowlife while in her class. Example: she was talking to he class and said something incorrect. One of the students brought up a vaild argument which counteracted her point. I validated his argument agreeing both with her and with him. She took me aside and said that if I had something to add to the discussion I would have to do it when NO students were around so that they dont start thinking that she (gasp) DOESN"T know everything. I looked at her as if to say, incredulously, "Lady, I DO have half a brain and you DONT know everything AND your students are WELL aware of that!" But instead, I bit my lip and smiled and nodded. Sigh. No joy there. Having said that, I *am* loving the other aspects of teaching and I *do* look forward to having my own class. An on we go...

12:23 a.m. - 5/13/2001


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