xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Being sick

There is a part of me that feels resigned to being ill, that it is as much a part of my life as, say, eating and drinking, only more so because it dictataes what I eat or drink :P It is tiresome and I hope that it will come into its own very very soon.

I went to the emergency room yesterday, having been unable to keep anything down for the past two dasy, even water. I feared that the baby was not recieving enough from the meagre things I didnt toss as soon as I'd swallowed them.

Considering the crisis medicare is in in our province, with bed shortages and overworked doctors and nurses, I was treated like royalty. Within minutes of entering the ER I was in a bed and being cared for. It was uncomfortable to be poked and prodded, but I was relieved to see the steady drip of the IV in my arm feeding my baby the vital nutrients that I was unable to provide these past few days. Dwayne was kept awake for the intermittable hours of hard, uncomfortable hospital chair, while I drifted in a wonderful Gravol-induced sleep.

After the tests and the IV ran their courses, I was sent home. I slept for hours--the best rest in many weeks.

Nice to be home, nice to be taken care of, but still sick. I suppose things could be much worse, even as I hope they will be much better.

P.S. Soft ice cream is a dream for sore throats :)

12:45 a.m. - 3/23/2002


State of Flux

I think I must have nomadic blood in me, because I haent lived in the same place for more than six months in about three years. Somehow, there are always circumstances tat force me to change residences, places, even cities and provinces... It must be because I jut got everything unpacked and where i wanted them. Because now, we are considering going back home. Now we are only in the preliminary stages of thinking. And there are hours of consideration ahead of us, but nevertheless, we *are* considering it. and seriously, too. *SIGH* I do want to return home, as I am dreadfully lonely, but I have mixed feelings about how much i want to do this Masters degree. If we do return home, I will not go into grad school. I will teach. Fiorst, because I can. With no red tape to get through and no questions asked. However, I have already loked into this thesis so critically and with such passion, I feel rather attached to it..I suppose I could always just write it anyway and publish it as a book rather than as a thesis...

So much to consider.

11:50 p.m. - 2/8/2001


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