xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Life after the Big Day

So life goes on, as hard as it may seem after the freny the fury and the joy of getting married--I cant believe that it will be a month on Wednesday! Time has flown by in a haertbeat and I look around at all that has chnaged and all that has stayed the same.

My little Junebug is growing so quickly--she is already over 16lbs and so strong--she can sit up almost unassisted and eats solid foods! I am so proud when I take her out shopping and such because she always attracts such wonderful comments. She sleeps really well--almost through the night and is relatively good humoured mot of the time. There are ocasions when bothj she and I get frustrated with one another but we deal with it. Dwayne is a dream too, when it comes to her--she loves her daddy!

Dwayen has now finished school (!!!) and is now searching for a good job as a "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer". So nice right now--we are not desperate for money at the moment ad so he can look pretty leisurely which gives us a lot of great family time together. Things are looking fantastic right now and i am so happy!

Yesterday we went out for my brother's twentieth birthday and my nieces were playing with Julia--she laughed with them! They were playing peek a boo! It was the forst time she has rsponded so well to games. But then again, she loves being around other kids! Incentive I guess to have more--we had been considering (however briefly) not having any more children--but we dont know just how many. I think that four is my limit :)

And so it goes...

1:01 a.m. - 11/11/2002


"E pluribus, unum"

"Out of many, one"

So there is war in our world.

I think that, like many Canadians, I would like justice to be brought to the people who created the havoc and grief of Sept 11th but, perhaps, too idealistically, I am a pacifist at heart. Would that there were a way to avoid violence which must surely beget violence.

I pray to a God who must watch with mirthless laughter at the trials of these days that my world shall return to "normal" before I die. That I will know safety in my world, and my children will not remember a time of such strife, hatred and terror.

Let us know peace again and to share in our collective hope for a quick resolution to events that have led up to this sad, sad day.

12:40 a.m. - 10/8/2001


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