xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


A horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day (or two)

SoI should warn you that this entry is very depressing

(mostly for me)

I've had a horrible two days and I mostly talk to

people on MSN but I wanted you to know what was up with

me lately, and hence, this email is my "this is what is

going on"

Yesterday was bad:

Julia has a diaper rash (the first time ever)

I went to see a house with dwayne which I liked and he


which led to me getting frustrated, and ended up

crashing Ned into a curb, breaking the hub cover,

sliding on the icy roads

When we got home Julia was screaming because of the

diaper rash

We took a late night drive to get diaper rash cream and

help her fall asleep.

She did. Then when we came inside, the cat woke her up.

Finally got to sleep.

Then today came.

Ned (my "new" station wagon) got stolen sometime between 11pm and 11am this morning, along with my beautiful car seat, both strollers, my diaper bag and my camera. Sigh.

can anyone say SUCK?

So that's the news.

1:09 a.m. - 4/4/2003


Blessed You

Sometimes in Life,

someone comes along

who will want to

open the door

to your heart and

may overwhelm you with the depth of it.

They may reveal things that change the way you look at them

And in doing so, you may lose yourself,

drowning in their eyes.

But you have ever been my mainstay.

The constant in a sea of

Manipulators and

Connived meanings.

How do I say all I want to say?

Each time we talk

I want to tell you

how much you mean, how

I appreciate you

love you

thank you


11:36 p.m. - 1/16/2001


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