xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Birthday wishes and the Year of the Golden Snake


Wow, 24...seems so anticlimactic...as though I ought to know that life has been moving along with me, without me, within me...but seems to be standing still.

It seems as though I am re-evaluating this past year and how far I have come.

This time, last year, I was a nanny for two girls (7 & 8), finishing my student teaching practicum, dreaming of moving back with my boyfriend and couting down the days til I was out of school. I never thought for a moment that I would be here, in BC, away from home, but home nevertheless with my boyfriend, back in school contemplating my masters thesis...and counting down the days til I return to my hometown.

I used to dream about writing and now I am writing more than ever, experimenting with old poems and new ideas, new genres and old themes...I guess I have some birthday wishes:

(1) I wish my friends would realize how much I miss them and appreciate hearing from them.

(2) I wish I was better at keeping in touch with them

(3) I wish that the feeling i get from singing never fades with time.

(4) I wish that I knew for sure that Dwayne would marry me

(5) I wish that my relationship with him always remins full of passion and promise

(6) I wish my teaching certificate would magically appear in my mailbox tommorow.

(7) I wish my OD friends know how much I appreciate them and wish them well.

(8) I wish I wrote as prolifically as some of them.

(9) I wish I understood the path I am on a bit better.

(10) I wish that all my birthdays are this low in stress and high in happiness...

And so, I go...(the cake awaits!)

11:38 p.m. - 1/25/2001


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