xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Some vignettes

I feel like writing, am itchiing to get some words out but at a bit of a loss as to what to write about. Thre are many things floating about that I'd like to capture, so perhaps, that is what you will have to settle with.

Some vignettes:

*Last night was a bit late, watching Apocalypse Kow on Fringe Stage. Hearing the voices I know so well echoing over the crowds and making people surge with laughter and overflow with happiness. Little girls twirling in the area in front of the stage, chubby fingers gracefully reaching for the sky, one with the music. Julia toddling barefoot and joyous, so excited to be able to dance with the big kids, to shimmy for a crowd, to be free .

*The startling situation on the East coast witht heir power grids. A slip back to the days where candles burned and people talked face to face, not over telephone lines, on bulletin boards or in chatrooms. Watching those huge cities re-discovering the essence of who they are in crisis. http://pith.org/photo/view/20030814-nycblackout/ Thinking about the small things we take so much for granted (cold refrigerated food!) and the types of ways we would do to cope if it were to happen here. How complex life has become. How simple it can be to survive.

*The overpowering heat. Oppressive and humid, slithering under your skin. Burning the colour from your skin, from your hair, from your youth. And yet, enjoying the fact that it is too hot for even the bugs to be out, blissfully soaking in these last few precious days of summer. Festivals awhirl, garage sales and bake sales and silliness. Watching the obligatory end-of-summer heartache, the fresh back-to-school attitude.

*Feeling a bit better about my job situation, even after feeling entirely shafted by the research job I have been slaving over all summer. We had 1000 things to analyze, which would have taken us to the end of September, and now they only want us to do 10%. Which will take maybe til the end of the week. And thne it is touch and go what will happen next. I am frustrated at the terrible disorder, sheer inability to foresee this occurance and the casual flippancy they have towards us. As though our lives were of so little consequence that a job might be considered voluntary. BUT I have a lead on a job in my hubby's school and it looks good. It sounds like it wil really take shape and I am feeling rather optimistic about the whole thing.

*A wedding today. The bride and groom, my friends, fellow educators, photograph freaks and animal lovers. I helped her put together her wedding bouquet months ago and am excited to see how it looks with everything together. I am so excited for both of them and the life they are embarking on together. I am also, in a pleasant aside, delighted to be singing in their ceremony. The hymn they have selected for the signing of the register is so loely, I fear it may make me weep. Did I mention how thrilled I am to be singing again? Eeek.

*The novel I am contemplating for NaNoWriMo flashes in and out of my waking moments. I see my characters, sometimes, I can feel the emotions they feel, can imagine the tensions between them, can almost taste the conflict that will consume them. But only sometimes and only in glimpses when I can not pay close attention to them. Sigh. It will come, I am sure. I would be thrilled if Princess Gwyn joins us on this writing journey. I think that she will discover more about herself then she ever dreamed possible. That she will see how it doesnt matter what the words say as much as what the writing will stand for.

And so things truck along...

10:11 a.m. - 2003-08-16


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