xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


On Being Geeky

So now that I an estranged from my friends, I have plenty of time to ponder the back burners of my mind. And, furiously bubbling away, is hte plot I have come up with for NaNoWrMo (http://www.nanowrimo.org/) which is coming up pretty fast (yes, November is closer than you think!)

I am a bit choked because I am starting this freaking entry over again, after having written a long and delightful entry, my daughter turned it off and lost it. Grrr.

In any case, I have been percolating this idea for a bit adn I think that it would beef up enough to be suitably geeky and long.

Speaking of geeky, Rarhj adn I have contemplated starting a NaNo writing support group in which we would do writing exercises, felsh out characters, determine settings and other such literary geekiness. Ahhh so nerdy! So good!

And while we are on the topic of good things (and terrible segues) I went for icecream and book browsing with my nerdiest friend (Hi!) after we put Julia down to sleep and think that it would make a lovely ritual. Mayb once a week to put er to bed and then go OUT and have some "me time" to percolate my novel, to enjoy getting to know who I have become.

Heh. With plans like this, I will have all 50 000 words fo my novel done in no time at all. Here's hoping. Wish me luck!!!

I feel like writing about my plot idea but it needs a bit more germination yet. Feel free to harrass me and poke me for deatils. I need all the help I can get.

Oh and one final word on geeks, this one for a friend, far in body but close in spirit: Thanks be to you, you're a delight, a star and a light in my life, even from afar. You made my day today and I love you.

9:17 a.m. - 2003-08-14


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