xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Something New and Exciting

So I have gone and done it. Done what? Nope, I havent offed my downstairs nuisance, I haven't suffocated my wisdom-toothless husband-baby hybrid (just kidding he's really good, except for the showing me bloody gauze thing, eewww), and I haven't taught my child how to say "Trick o Treat" (Jesus shut up bastard" yes but "trick or treat"? no) No, my friends, what I have done is get a new job. That's right, I have quit my awful part time jobs and accepted a position as a juniour kindergarten teacher FULL-TIME!!! Hurray!

Sure its a pay cut, sure I have to uproot Julia fom her beloved daycare, sure I have to drive to the beejeebeez west end at ungodly times in the morning, but hey, its got its perks. Like seriously discounted daycare. And did I mention guaranteed FULL-TIME hours?? Hurray for knowing how much money is coming and going! Hurray!

And now I get my own classroom, and I can plan fun things like field trips and crafts, songss and dances. I can implement programs and schedules. I can do it all with only 5 kids in the morning kindergarten and 11 kids in the afternoon. I am so excited I ahve already started planning all 6 months.

Yes, you read right. I plan to be there only 6 months. not because I think I would hate the kids or the facility after 6 months, but because I ALSO talked with Dwayne's school and they have let me know that in 6 months I can look forward to being on thier staff. That a position would be found for me then and that, my friends, is a lovely prospect also. Sigh.

I am suddenly terrified, how can I do this by myself? Am I reay for my own clas? I am not really trained for this! Ack! Ack!

OK, simmer down, I am fine. I wknow it'll be good. The kids are from a very nice (read: rich) area with NO behaviour or other cahllenges. They all speak English, know thier names and thier ABCs. They have been exposed to a great many things and have all the priviledges when they gop home at night. I dont have to worry about holey shoes or missing socks. I dont have to worry about whether they had breakfast in the morning or dinner the night before. They are just...noermal. And maybe 6 months with them will make me somewhat normal too.






Maybe not.

11:51 a.m. - 2003-10-24


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