xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Angst in a Bucket

So my girl is finally down for a nap (or at least quietly playing in her crib) and NaNo is around the corner. I feel like I havent done a lick of work to pull it all together and that I am insane for even contemplating doing it. I am a Queen procrastinator, would like some new running shoes and a new job. Not asking for much here people, throw me a frickin bone.

Onthe upside, I did finish of Julia's pumpkin hat for her costume *and* while I had the sewing machine out, I also hemmed all of Dwayne's pants that he has been rolling up since, oh, he bought them eons ago. Yay, show of productivity!

Now I need to get some work done for my university research job and then maybe I will be set for awhile. THEN I can start to plan more of my novel. Oh wait, I invited people over for tea. Am I crazy? Oh yes.

Nevertheless, I persist. I hope that the job lead I heard about from Brad will pan out and I can quit my kindergarten job. Its not that I hate it, dont get me wrong, but I just hate the part-time pay and full time expectations. So it goes. This writing is horrible and rambly with no point whatsoever and cant be of any interst to anyone because even I am getting bored of writing so I had better stop.

Angst, anyone?

1:18 p.m. - 2003-10-19


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