xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Catching Up

An update on Julia: She is doing much better. I am glad that we kept her out of daycare for the week and that she seemed to get a lot of rest as a result. She is now finished her round of antibiotics and her cough has reduced to a dull roar every now and again. We saw a very good pediatrician who did a number of nerological tests and reflex tests on her last Wednesdayt and she pronounced Julia quite OK. She has no need to go in for CAT scans or any further tests unless she has another seizure. Since it appears that incident is behind us, hurray! On the downside, it appears that my mother has developed a fever--possibly from the 12 hours she spent with my sick kid on Thursday. Sigh.

In NaNo news, I had a slack off week, with Julia's adventure, I was totally unmotivated to put her down and let her cry at my feet while I typed a crappy novel. So I didn't. And I got to panicking as Saturday rolled around. No worries, people, becasue I pulled up my bootstraps and plunked out 5300 words in one day. And another 2000+ today. So now I am over my minimum and am sitting quite happily at 27,074 words out of 50,000. 54% done baby!

I have a burning desire to start putting up my Christmas things. Damn retailers! Hee. Seriously, I am super excited about making this a GREAT holiday season. I am already contemplating addressing my envelopes. Oh nerdiness, take me away.

Dwayne's mother called earlier tonight telling us that his half-sister is now building a house and is selling their three bedroom mobile home out in Stony Plain. I am unsure about this prospect. If I find things wrong, I'd be tempted to complain to them about it and how messy would that get? And also, living that far away is not that appealing either. Not that living close has had that much of an effect on bringing me closer to the friends I had been fearing drifting away from. In fact, I am probably less close than I ever used to be to a lot of them. Sigh, a connundrum. The selling price is good and I know that we could handle the payments. They assure me that it is in very good condition and has been upgraded in a lot of ways. I am tossed up as to whether or not that or moving back in with my parents (option #2) would be the lesser of two evils. I am afraid, for example, that either choice we make, we will stay there longer than I would like and that frightens me. As a person who has moved almost every single year, it is hard to imagine living 10 years in a mobile home outside of Edmonton. Sigh.

I got new glasses today! Well, I didnt actually *get* them today, but I had my eyes examined (no, not my head, just my eyes) and I picked them out and I will get them within the week! The best part of it is that my father's benefits will pay for them. Woo! More money I dont have to spend!

Better be off, this week has been brought to you by the theme of "bears" and by the letter K.

11:45 p.m. - 2003-11-16


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