xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Back to Sleep

Well, here we are back to the "normal" grind of daily entries. Although I think that my upcoming foray into the land of Holidalies will prompt (guilt?) me into writing some meatier entries. Ah the wonders of a potential audience. Since I havent any clue who is out there, I can only assume from my visitor counter that it is more than just me and Sarah (hi!) so I will endeavor to make future ramblings more coherent. Endeavor=try=maybe

Anyway, the point of this entry was that as things fall back into a normal routine, we are attempting to get Julia to sleep once again in her crib rather than bed hog our bed. Taking pity on her during her sick days, we had brought her in and somehow she has some to think that our bed is the only acceptable place to sleep now. Not so, my dear! So, back to square one with the crying it out routine. We have maintained our bedtime routine and now that she isn't nursing anymore, I am hoping that it will be easier, not more difficult, to convince her to sleep in a somewhat reaonable amount of time.

She is calling out right now and I want to comfort her, but I know that I am not doing her any favors by letting her slep with us. If this continues and we have more kids we'll have to convert our entire room into a gigantic bed in order to fit everyone on. Ha! And now that NaNoWriMo is over, I am hoping to catch up on some desperately needed sleep! So tired these days--right down to my bones.

I know that this round of sleep training is going to be much more difficult now than it was the first time. She is 17 months old and heavily into vocal complaints. Oh and her streak of independence is growing more stubborn by the minute. But. I am still bigger! I can still win!




I hope.




Sigh. Onwards.

11:28 p.m. - 2003-11-29


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