xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



My computer is on the fritz. Well, my other computer, that is. And, since I live with a uge compter nerd there is no shortage of other computers to use. Although since it was my computer that went down, I am hoping that it is not a serious thing that is creating the fritz effect.

I was tired again today (surprise!) but I managed to squeeze enough chutz pah out of myself to get the kids bundled up (both morning and aftenoon grousp!) to waddle across the street to the tobogganing hill. Now, I am not an outdoorsy person, by nature. I enjoy looking at the out-of-doors. I enjoy the smells of the crisp newly fallen snow, I enjoy the crunch and squeek of the flakes under my boots as I run from the warmth of my house to the warmth of my car. I even enjoy the occasional breath of air so cold that it makes the snot in your nose freeze as you breath in and then feel the very globes of your lungs paralyze with the exhalation of the chill. However, standing on a hill and watchng 14 kindergarteners holler and scream at the top of their lungs as they throw themselves manically down a slope with naught but a crazy carpet beneath them? Not so much. I am good for about 10 minutes. No, I didn't take a whiz down the hill. No, I didn't feel like I was missing out. No, I am not a fuddy-duddy. Well, maybe I am that last one, but I can live with that. We went in when one of the kids, who incidently refused to go to the bathroom when I told them to go beforehand, appeared to have an accident. As it turned out when we got back to class, he didn't actually have an accident. But I was done with the cold anyway. Yes, I live where there is cold 10 months of the year and yes, I am incredibly wimpy about it. What's it to you?

I feel that I need to note here my own response to the Canoegirl entry: Hurray! Or should I say, hurray, when?

Ok, I am done pestering, at least for now.

Oi, tired. And Pirates is on now...mmmmmpirates.

9:42 p.m. - 2003-12-02


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