xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Christmas Music

There is a local radio station that has begun broadcasting Christmas music 24/7. Now, I am not a grinchy kind of Christmas person. I don't think that it was too early to start the music nor do I think that holiday decorations go up too soon. I rather enjoy the coming of the season, the not so subtle reminders that if things are going to get done on time with a minimum amount of stress, you should really start in November. But I digress.

I meant to say that though I love Christmas music, there just isnt enough good music to be played for such a long duration. There is just too much crappy synthetic "kind-of" Christmas-related cat-yowling on the radio and it kind of disgusts me. I can listen to about 30 minutes of it before having to switch stations or lose my mind.

I suppose you might call me a purist. I like the traditional carols and the older Christmas tunes, and so wretched things like "Santa Baby" make my skin crawl and my eardrums wish the little drummer boy had broken them long ago.

Still, I am slowly but surely coming around to really feeling the hum and warmth of the approaching hoildays. I have even begun writing Christmas cards. Yeah, I know. Believe it when you see them. This year, I won't have a stack of cards half addressed and a quarter written. Honest.

Tomorrow I am bringing in holiday music to play in my classroom. The kids are getting rambunctious, I am feeling generally lacsidasical and suddenly, it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.

9:16 p.m. - 2003-12-03


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