xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Crossing the Threshold

Perhaps it has been the stress of moving that has Julia's immune system down for the count. She woke up one morning just before we moved the furniture with a croupy kind of cough that only appeared every so often and didnt really seem to bother her all that much. We stopped in to see if we could get in to see a doctor but the wait times were outrageously long and she wouldnt have sat through that eaily. So we decided to wait out a few days until we had finished moving the furniture and see how she was making out.

It went from bad to worse, as things tend to do when Julia gets sick. She began getting more and more feverish as we sat in BP's and I had a sinking feeling about the next set of events. It was familiar. Too familiar. I put off going for an hour, dreading what might happen. Luckily for me, I had wonderful, practical friends who hatched a plan of action if I needed help, since there was no phone in the townhouse where Dwayne was and the contingency plan that would be put into effect should the worst come to pass. I put Julia in the car intent on making the two minute drive to the drug store to give her some Baby Tylenol right in the store aisle, but we didnt even make it halfway before It happened. Yes, at 9:43pm she had seizure #3.

This time was pretty bad, her lips turned blue and it lasted as long as the first time it ever happened. She remained rigid after the shaking stopped, which never happened before either--usually she felt really limp as though she had no muscle tone. I ran in to the Walmart and dialled the first number I could remember and then get ahold of the movie going folk who galvanized the plan we had discussed earlier.

One drove us to the hospital and one went to pick Dwayne up from the townhouse. We got into a trauma room right away but then it was all about waiting. They didnt talk to us about what was happening, or what they were planing to do. They took her temperature (38.8) and then left for what seemed like an abnormally long time. Even hubby arrived before they came back in and we had to ask them to give her something to break the fever. By teh time they came in with some ASA, her temperature had risen even more to 39.3. I was NOT impressed. They took her to have a chest xray (without telling us why it was ordered or what they were trying to rule out)and finally we went to ask them what the hell was going on. It didn't seem as busy in the ER as it might have been to warrant such ineffieciency. Thank God for good friends.

In any case, her xrays came back clear and they told us that they wouldnt have the results from her other tests for 48 hours and sent us home with no comments other than "It happens". Not exactly the most enlightening medical diagnosis. So now she is on 'round the clock Tylenol and cough medicine. she seems to be pretty good, all things considered. Her appetite is non-existent, she's a bit clingy and sometimes so tired that she cant hold herself upright to get to the toys she wants to play with. But all in all she laughs and hugs and retains her sunny disposition.

What will happen from here is unknown, we have to make appointments for the pediatrician again, perhaps schedule the EKG that they considered for her the last time it happened. And now that she has crossed the magic 3 threshold for further action, we'll see what other medical opinions tell us.

Wow, this wasnt the entry I had intended for #200, but there you are.

10:44 a.m. - 2004-02-19


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