xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Settling In

So just as I got the furniture where I wanted it and wrestled all the big boxes into the places that I wanted them, I changed my mind.

Yes, that means I shifted everything around. Furniture, books, toys, computer. And now that things are somewhat in the new places I had decided they would move to, I can't quite decide if that is where they will stay. I am working in this limited mobility time frame thought, so perhaps this will have to do until my capacity for liftng and shifting heavy items has returned to "normal".

It is a bit satisfying, however, to know that once I have decided on where things would go, they will likely stay there for a good long time. It is nice to think, this final time of moving, that i will not have to consider moving again for a long time. And on the flip side too, it feels a bit surreal to say that I will not be in another place in a year or two and mean it. we have been on the constant move for so long. Not necessarily because we love to move, though it may appear so, or that we are incredibly unstable, but the fact is we simply haven't found that perfect combination of space and distance and convenience that makes for a good home.

I am optmisitcally thinking that this place will fulfill all of those requirements well and truly and we shall not have reason (or resources) to make another move for a long time.

So we settle in for the long haul, ready to raise our babies here and look at life from only one place for awhile.

2:42 p.m. - 2004-03-03


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