xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


It's been a Week

So its been a week. I've been sick and what with the nice weather, I've been getting out more too. It is easier to get up the nerve to take a squawking toddler who screams "BUS!" every time she sees a bus, never mind gets onto it, when the weather is cooperative. Somehow if the sun is shining I don't seem to mind the squawking nearly as much.

I took the week off from doing nearly everything--I didn't do any tutoring, I didn't try to do very much work around the house and I wasnt thinking about trying to change Julia's schedule very drastically. I didn't remember to take my prenatal viatmins.

Well, I guess it isn't entirely true that I didn't do anything. I did read three or four books, made trips to the library every other day, took Julia on walks and playvisits, helped my sister re-organize her basement, put together some baby gift baskets for my mother-in-law's gift shop, took some cute pictures of Julia (check out the 18-24 months section), started Peanut's scrapbook, and began to scrapbook the rest of Julia's pictures as well. I made a birthday gift for K and baked some cookies and banana bread, sorted through some clothes for the clothing exchange I cant make it to and managed to put some semblance of order to Peanut's closet. Looking back I see that I did more things than I didn't do, and isnt that always the case? I suppose what I am really trying to say is that I did only those things that I really wanted to do and let everything else fall by the wayside. I enjoyed the time that I spent doing even the most mundane of chores and my house is actually cleaner than I can remember it being in awhile.

Why is can't always be like this I don't know. Maybe it can and I just have to wrap my mind differently around doing things. As I reflect back, I'm glad that I didn't write here becuase now I can see that over the past week a large part of the difference in my days is that i started to do more things for myself. That is, doing the things that i most wanted to--like scrapbooking and reading and taking pictures. I felt rejuvenated enough by the small things I took time to do for my own sanity that the household chores that I also managed to get accomplished never felt overwhelming and staid. I didn't mind doing them becuase I was in a better frame of mind. Sometimes when I wrte day by day here I can only see those mundane tasks, the dish washing, laundry hauling, vacuuming things that suck up my days and I forget about the "me" part of the day.

Many people I know suffer from that "superwoman" complex that seems to plague our society these days, and no matter how many self-help books tell you to take time for yourself in order to be a better mother, wife, friend and woman, it is harder to take that message and not just add it to the mountain of tasks that you have on the go. "Take care of yourself" becoming simply another thing oto do on an increasing list of chores to fill the hours before you collapse into bed. Well now here I am telling you to do it too, becuase if you do and you do it with the right intentions and in the right frame of mind (or better yet, without even thinking about it at all) the rewards will come back to you tenfold and your mountainous list will suddenly look like a molehill.

So its been a week. I've been sick, but I havent let being sick get teh better of me--despite fears that it might snowball like it did with my last pregnancy. I took care of myself, and everything else fell into place. I supopse sometimes life just hands you a bowl full of cherries.




I think I might just gag now.





3:53 p.m. - 2004-04-07


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