xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Easter Weekend Hijnks

So back from Easter in the sticks and while it wasnt the worst of weekednds, I can usually live without the constant smokiness pretty well.

We brought up an air filter that my parents had given to us and while it helped a bit, there is really only so much you can do with two people smoking constantly, not to mention the older than old dog who has become a bit incontinent and as such never makes it outside to do any of his business anymore. It was like an adventure every time you put your feet down.

It was more like a working weekend than a holiday, which was fine for us. Hubby worked on all of his mother's assorted home and business computers and I busied myself pulling together gift baskets for MIL's hospital gift shop. It was both satisfying and time consuming making the weekend run by at a much faster pace than I think it usually trots by at.

Of course, the fact that they gave Julia exorbiant amounts of sweets was unhelpful and when I adamantly said nosugar before noon and after 10pm, I was villanized a bit for being unholidayish. Really, though, if she's screaming at 11:30pm it's becuase she's tired not because she needs another boost of sugar, you know?

In any case, Julia proved this weekend to be her ultimate Calmaity Jane weekend--on the night before we left she clunked her head against teh side of her captain's bed, leaving a brusie we didn't notice until well into the drive when uit went from a reddish spot on her cheek to a clearly defined blue bruised line. Once in the sticks, she followed hubby outside while he was raking leaves and promptly fell flat on her face, leaving her witha goose egg lump in the centre of her forehead. To make matters worse, while visiting Grandma's hospital store, she ran into a radiator and left several scrapes along her chin. She looked like a boxer after a round with Muhammand Ali. I despaired ever getting any Easter pictures for fear that we would look back and think that we had given her a beating for Easter instead of a chocolate bunny. Not that that stopped me anyway, but still, I worried.

So now we're back and she's trying to forget the whole accident filled weeekend ever happened, though when she lays her face down the wrong way I think it still bugs her. Nevertheless, we go on. And I have tons that i need to wrote but need to also find time to sit down.

On that note, I'm off again.

4:41 p.m. - 2004-04-13


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