xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Getting ready

Maybe I could say that it was this that I'd been noshing on for two days that helped to trigger things. Or maybe it was the two hour walking trips along the mall that I had begun to take. Whatever it was, I had to hope that it was doing its thing, because although the contractions had stopped being so noticeable, I was continuing to feel like crap--crampy and tired. Maybe I wasnt having a baby after all, maybe I was just in for a lifetime of PMS-like symptoms. Sigh.

Still, just to be sure, I got all my ducks in a line--child care for Julia, hospital bag finally packed, car seat by the door, parking money for the hospital, doctor's papers all ready to go. Last minute cleaning, because goodness know when I'll have time to do *that* again. Although I have to say, doing dishes isnt the easiest chore with a belly. I am at least two feet away from the sink and I spill a LOT of dish water even when I am not pregnant. By the end of my dish washing debacle, it looked like I had been trying to simultaneously wash the floor. Oh well, it needed to be done too :P

Now if only baby would get here, I wont feel like I've done all this prep work in vain.

11:30 p.m. - 2004-07-29


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