xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Boo Baths

I've been feeling crampy and yuck for a couple days and at 4am this morning I really felt like something real was happening with Peanut and all. (TMI on its way, consider yourselves warned) I mean, I passed a HUGE gross mucousy blob and had assumed it to be part of the bleeding that was a normal part of having an internal exam this late in the game. But since the "bloody show" was also accompanied with regular contractions that were getting longer, stronger and closer together, I thought I was Ok to get a bit more worked up. BUt it was 4am and I thought if I could just hold off til the morning then my childcare options for Julia would be easier to plan for. So hubby and I sat through a few more really strong contractions and he rubbed my back and suggested that I go and sit in a hot bath to ease the pain of them.

What a mistake! I was SO relaxed, I fell asleep in the tub and my contractions went the way of the dinosaurs. Well they just got less intense and more infrequent. I was so mad, I could spit nails. Well, I suppose it was a good thing I didn't make that trip to L & D. One more humiliation spared.

4:37 p.m. - 2004-07-29


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