xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


NaNoWriMo, here I come!

Check out my new shiny bling (not that you could miss it up there) heralding the upcoming NaNoWriMo 2004!

So in honour of having new bling, I decided that I ought to put a bit more thought into my actual novel. Huh.

I had mentioned that it is our fair city's centennial year and so to mark the occasion, I wanted to set this year's NaNo here. It is always interesting to read about htings that are set in a familiar place, thinking about the interesting things that may possibly take place around you.

I have considered some of the early settlement history--more specifically around the Chinatown (write what you know, right?) and the inhabitants of that area way back around the turn of the century. I have a very scrawny plot skeleton and I am finding as November draws neared that it is on my mind more and more.

I am actaully excited about it and am really looking forward to meeitng my characters and discovering who they are and what they want to tell me. For some reason, it is also important to me this year to be at least somewhat factually accurate and so i find myself doing a bit more research than I had anticipated.

I am unsure whether or not I will post exerpts of my novel in progress but if you'd really like to read it, I will email you.

I am getting new-to-me laptop on Sunday (!) that actually has MS Word on it so I can check my word counts as I go along rather than my other ancient beast on which only WQrd Pad was accessible. Whee!

Forget Halloween, baby, here comes NaNoWriMo!

12:23 p.m. - 2004-10-29


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