xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



I know that it is the way of things to always have things come up and surprise the heck out of you. I know that I shouldnt get so worked up about the little things so that I dont always feel like I am on the verge of capsizing. I shouldnt feel so amazed that things happen in quick succession. And yet. I am always surprised, always feel a bit off kilter, always feel totally overwhelemed by the way that life goes. And I dont necessarily think that it is a part of me that I'd like to see change anytime soon. Even if it does drive my husband crazy.

Two days ago I had been up and down all night nursing (literally becuase ElEna was going through a huge growth spurt) and nursing (figuratively because Julia had the worst croupy barking cough) and felt a bit more exhausted than usual. Alas, Elena decided that she was up and at it when the sun came up and so I brought her downstairs to avoid waking the whole house. I put her down on her tummy in the hopes of tiring her out enough to make her want to go back to sleep in relatively short order (does that make me a manipulative mom? oh well). She began doing the hand waving tettering thing that I recognized as "Mom, I wanna get going and rolling is something that I am going to try first". I grabbed my new digital camera (now with video and sound!) and managed to cath her first tummy to back roll over! It was awesome and I was thrilled to no end that she was so adept so young. Actually, truth be told, part of me was a bit dismayed that she shows no inclination to remaining a lump of cuteness as long as Julia was. Just another thing to add to the "I am differnet from my sister" pile I guess.

In any case, I was feeding off hte high of her accomplishment when I had a MSN conversation with SJ about the unbelievable feeling of being published when she told me that she had won the short story contest that I had stumbled across last year and had persuaded both of us to enter. I was so thrilled, seeing as how she was my writer friend whom I would live vicariously through in terms of publication. And then, on a whim, I checked my own email to see if the same rejection email I got last year would once again show up in my inbox. And I found....that I had won second place in the same contest!!!! Woooh. Talk about emotional overload. Of course, we were then incredibly paranoid that we were the only ones entered into the contest, because frick, what are the chances that we both would win??? But hey, I'll take what I can get and baby,, I am going to be published in December!!!!!! Eeeeeeek!

It's enough of a kick in my writing ass to persuade me to wade full on into the insanity of NaNoWriMo. I have FINALLY come up with a plot skeleton that I am excited about, interested in and can see lasting well over 50,000 words. As for finding the time to do it, well, there is always time to do what you gotta do, right? It helps that the weather is already miserable and my Julia has somewhat stopped pestering me to play outside.

(Oh and to top off my already capsizing day, Julia *asked* me to go to bed. And then she stayed there. All. Freaking. Night.)

Me thinks some chocolate is in order :)

11:14 p.m. - 2004-10-19


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