xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



So when things escalate in my house, they really get out of control.

Julia has taken making a mess to a whole new level. She puked for the first time on my carpet. In fact, I dont recall her ever puking like this. And I dont really like the fact that today I learned how to run after a puking toddler with a bowl, hoping to catch the spew as it comes. Not my idea of a good time. But wow, did I get good at it quick. Its funny how motivated I was to develop good aim and quick reflexes. Luckily for me, she is in relatively good spirits and comes to me often for cuddles and kisses. I think that it speaks volumes about building character to snuggle with a pukey smelly child. Yes, I deserve to pat myself on the back. If I dont, who will? Hopefully she will remain as she is now. Sleeping. In her own bed.

It was good to stay home today. All the better to isolate the germy fiasco that has overtaken us. Elena is whiny now too and not asleep, alas. I suppose she is still upset that I took her to the Health Clinic today to get a quadruple jab of half-dead viruses and other antibodies. The things I do out of love, I tell you. while I was there the Health Nurse took some time to do a PPD test on me and I guess I failed pretty spectacularly, since they are sending a notice to my doctor about our consultation and have offered to have the community nurse out to check up on me. Oh and they asked if I was wanting to harm my children. Repeatedly. To which I responded, "What do you mean by hurt?" I think it wasnt the answer they were looking for.

And just when I thought the apple cart was about done for, we got a call. Hubby is going for an interview tomorrow afternoon. In ATHABASCA. Yes, that means that I may very well move again. Yes, I know I promised when I moved here in February that you could now write my address in pen. Yes, I know that I just ordered hundreds of address labels thinking that I was going to break my "new place for a new year" lifestyle. But its just an interview for heaven sakes and I suppose we might be able to handle commuting (pause for raucous laughter).

We are staying home again tomorrow. I figure one day at home was good enough to create this much upheaval(mwahahaaha, god do I need sleep. UpHeaval. Hee.), so we'll see what we can do with another one.

12:24 a.m. - 2004-12-10


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