xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


I needed this like a kick to the head

You know that sinking feeling when your kid hits a collection of buttons that leads to computer crashes and loss of well-written lengthy intelligent entries?? Yeah that simultaneous "Holy crap" "Why didnt I save" "I'm gonna kill you" feeling? Well, fuck it all, its just too late to re-write my entry, much less have half the barinpower necessary to reproducing it again. So here's what you get instead:

Today I drove for the first time since it snowed. It sucked ass. As I got on the freeway, I was cut off by a semi and then ragged on by my side seat driver. I am a nervous driver in most circumstances (it happens when you've been hit by a bus, I guess) and today it wasnt the most ideal way to start off the winter driving experience.

Both of my kids have broken out in snotty raggedy breathing colds. It makes them oh so delightful to deal with.

I spent most of the day stuck halfway between being charmed by them and irritated by everything else. When they stopped being charming and joined the annoying side of stuff, it all took a nosedive.

Luckily for me, I put Julia in childcare for awhile and got to make crafts in a community resource centre. It would have been a great stress reliever, except that half way through the program, we had to get up and DO THE CHICKEN DANCE. You think I'm kidding. It is hard to feign appreciation towards folks who humiliate you like that.

If that were the end of things, I guess I might suck it up and try to salvage my evening. But then Elena shit all the way up her fucking back and even made her hair smell like crapped out sludge. Naturally she was wearing a diaper shirt that didnt snap up the front but pulled over her head so even if she didnt have a poo cannon that perfumed her hair, the pulling shit filled diaper shirt over her head would have done it.

Julia fell asleep on the way home, thankfully. But then, as Murphy's Law dicates miserable days to be, she fell off the couch mid-nap and was clingy as hell for the rest of the night. She started to perk up. Ten minutes before bed.

I am staying home all day tomorrow. I had plans to do other things but I now think that hibernating in bed sounds like a better idea.

12:25 a.m. - 2004-12-09


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