xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Getting Better

Well, I guess my days are getting better at least somewhat. My car (Ned) was recovered on the Sunday after he was stolen. When I went to the impound to take a look and make sure things were still ok with him, I found to my delight (albiet short-lived) that my car seat and both of my strollers were still htere. My diaper bag (with a good number of things only I would miss in it) gone. How strange is that?

I figured that it'd been stolen by a bumnch of kids out for a joyride (McDonald cups strewn about, crumbs of god knows what and the stickness of pop spilled everywhere--most noteably in the glove compartment--who does that kind of thing?)

At first glance it seemed fine and I was so relieved that I'd have my car back in a jiffy.

As it turned out, later in the week, the autobody shop told me it was unlikely that I'd ever get my car back--it was tettering on being written off because of extensive damage to the front bumper (which was cracked) and what with having to be re-keyed and such, it wasnt worth it to salvage my car. Whoever had taken it had also run it on fumes (the $20 of gas I put in wasn't enough for wherever they were going) and the impact of the crash seemed to have leaked all the oil out--which of course they did not remedy either.

Sigh. So I am looking once again for a car and struggling to think about whether I could live without one for a few months and just go get a new(er) one.

In other news, Julia is breakig a tooth! Her first! And along with it comes a myriad of symptoms of teethign--diaper rash, messier diapers, fevers, and general malasise. Wheo neglected to tell me about all this, I'd like to know!

She has a new playmate though--I'd written about a friend who had miscarried when i was pregnant with Julia. I am so happy and proud to report that my friend gave birth (drug free!) to a beautiful and healthy baby boy--Trian Alexander-- on April 8th--9 lbs and 21 inches long!

We are currently in the market for a new house. We ar looking to buy our first place-I know, couldnt I wait til life settled down at least a little bit?!?!

Dwayne's parents have offered to help us with a down payment--this is exciting--despite snide side comments from peope that I shouldnt rely so much on my in-laws. I honestly didnt ask for their help--or for the snide comments either! But, as life seems to go with me, I'll roll with the punches and keep on truckin'

Things are looking up. I have to remind myself that or I wouldnt be able to make it through the days.

P>S On a really exciting note--Julia is crawling like a whiz now! Soon she'll be walking--ack!

1:10 a.m. - 4/14/2003


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