xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


To the Hospital

So, I rose early to get ready for the news that might or might not await me at the hospital. I dragged Dwayne out of bed early in the morning to take pictures of me and my precious tummy and the beautiful life growing inside me.

I can't decribe well enough the softness of the flutters, the subtle rolls that tell me that this life inside of me is being cared for so magically. I will miss the daily talks I have inside my head with the little one inside me, silently waiting to make an apperance...I will miss being pregnant so much.

We arrive at the labour and delivery ward. It is eerily quiet. No births this morning. I bite my lip and wonder I will be giving birth. They attach a machine to my tummy that measures the baby's heartbeat and movements. The baby is very cooperative and we only have to sit there for about 20-30 minutes.

The doctor arrives and tells us that she will be looking at the baby on an ultrasound machine again, to make sure. We discover the baby is indeed breech with the head nestled close to my heart and under my ribs on the left side. She tells us that while my amniotic fluid is low, it is not dangerously low and we will have the option to schedule a cesarean section sometime during the week. She looks at me and says we *could* do it today. I must have paled because she laughed and said that I wasn't ready for one today. I agreed wholeheartedly.

She left us to choose our child's birthday. We didnt wnt to have to. We wanted the baby to decide that s/he was ready to greet the world and come of its own time and own accord. But alas, we wanted to ensure the baby's safety most of all. So we sat, in that brightly lit room, weighing the merits of Wednesday or Friday. We thought Wednesday would be good and the surgeon liked Wednesday better than Friday. We thought we were set.

June 19th....here we come.

12:49 a.m. - 6/15/2002


Wedding Dress

In the blink of an afternoon with girls I had not intended to spend the day with and angels who paid for my parking meter :) I found the dress I will marry my fiance in.

It is not a "typical" wedding dress, but it is both beautiful and practical...and I fit into it right now, which means I WILL fit into it later :)

Three strand spaghetti straps, sweetheart neckline and lovely floral embroidery in an awesome complimentary "rum" gold that offsets the ivory of the rest...no train to trip over or have to bustle up and the best part was it cost me $500.

I was really concerned about my dress but now I can rest easier and concentrate on my baby!

12:43 a.m. - 1/19/2002


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