xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Marital Bliss!

I am so happy!!!

After a hellish wedding rehearsal, I was ready to throw in the towel and run away...everything that could have gone wrong did and I was near tears the whole time. The parents were late and disgruntled, the kids were screaming, crying and running rampant, the decorations were incomplete, the baby was screaming and I was a mess. Fortunately, everyone pulled their shit together and...

THE ACTUAL WEDDING WAS PERFECT! The parents were calm and cordial, the kids *walked* down the aisle, the baby was quiet as a mouse, the decorations were beautiful and I was early(!)

I cried almost as soon as I hit the doorway and all the way up the aisle, Dwayne looked stunning. I managed to make my way through most of my vows without breaking down and Dwayne's vows were so sweet that it was unbelieveable. There I was, surrounded by my closest and dearest people. I felt so strong and in love with Life.

We were blessed with bright blue skies and sun, even if it was a bit chilly in the wind :) We even managed to finsh easrly enough to be able to let me take a nap before the reception!

The reception was likewise as beautiful, with candles flickering on each table and great turkey dinner.

We honeymooned on Pigeon Mountain at a resort (where we had a gorgeous chalet all to ourselves!) for the week and got back on Saturday afternoon. The week went by so quickly!

And now I can look through my wedding pictures and smile, remembering: bad dress, good show. Thank God!

And now that its all over, I need to find something else to occupy my time :) (oh, post-wedding stuff will take me awhile so...)

1:00 a.m. - 10/21/2002


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