xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Telling the folks

ok, so I drove up to Ft Mac to tell Dwayne's parents and they were fabulous. For a couple whose outwards show of affectin are minimal at best, I was thrilled! They were so welcoming and wonderfully supportive. I was grateful to enter into a family that was so...great.


We come back down to tell my parents and ...well, my folks being who they are...

they freaked out

not in a positive or pleasant way either

Of course, for some bizarre reason, they thought I was coming over to tell them I was buying a house. Which, of course, I wasn't.

They will get over it

If they don't



We left their place post-haste (with me in tears) and on my way out, after reaming us out about our rdecision to wed, my mother poked her head out hte door and called "If you need me, give me a call..."

Yeah, sure. Whatever.


We went to a festival and proceeded to forget we ever told them.


12:30 a.m. - 8/6/2001


Wedding Plans

So, I think that I'd like to chronicle our wedding plans...just so that I can look back one day and remeber how it really was, not just how I recall from faded memories that grow rosier with each passing moment.

The problem, of course, is remembering to write everyday...what we decide regarding colour scheme, guest list, venue, menu, etc. It is so hard to know where to start! I am sure, though that things will begin to fall into place very surely and readily. Go knows, I need all the help i can get to make this as close to perfect as I can make it!

Any suggestions on how to ease the way?!

12:29 a.m. - 7/25/2001


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