xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Going Beyond--A look at Imagination

My daughter sometimes toddles off to play in her room, shirping and squawking over some small delight, some amazing discovery in some every day item. I watch her, amazed at the ingenuity and wish that I could enter that world she inhabits and catch a glimpse of her budding imagination.

When did it begin its astounding germination? How did she decide that the remote control was like a telephone? Who does she imagine talking to? Does her Bella answer back? To may of us, this world of imaginary play (as much as we dream of recapturing it) is often relegated to being just that--child's play. It has somehow become unacceptable to get down and imagine life outside the box. We structure our days into tightly scheduled, verigated timetables. Nesting many activities into the minutae of our existence. And then we wonder why we are so tired.

There are traditionally accepted professions where "imagination" is encouraged--acting, painting, writing--but ONLY as long as it RESULTS in something. Imagination, a means to an end.

If a person were to spend their day dreaming of...anything...they would be likely to describe their day as "wasted" or "unproductive". Employers-though fond of "creative energy"--frown mightily on employees who habitually let their thoughts wander into some ethereal zone. Alas, for the daydreaming employee, the focus must always remain on the bottom line.

In such a world, production-driven, hastily-conducted, multi-tasking mania, it is little wonder that imagination has taken a backseat.

I feel like mourning now. When did it beome so terrible to have ridiculous visions, to play kooky games with toddlers, to remain a child at heart? OK I hear a multitude of protests that it hasnt become terrible-that everyone wishes to be as free as children. And that everyone must grow up at some point and assume responsibilities. And, yes, I hear you also say to yourself that you *do* daydream and indulge your imagination. But do you really? I would challenge that. In fact, I feel strongly that most of the people I know lead dull, dishwater lives, devoid of true exuberance. And so, perhaps, do I.

But I can accept that truth and work my way from that point. I *do* often live in a box that is bounded the scope of my days. I often have small niggling concerns that consume my thoughts and leave little room for soring dreams of grandiose accomplishments. I do live from paycheck to paycheck. But I do NOT think that I live a fulfilled life this way. And I hope that I can burrow my way out of this box.

More so I hope that my girl will never feel put upon to grow up too fast or limit her imagination to suit other people's ideas of what being grown up really is. I hope that she will always have that deep belly laugh when she thinks herself hilarious. That scrunched up face when she tries to be silly. That freedom to imagine who she will be and where she will go...

I hope Julia will always remember.

1:16 a.m. - 7/21/2003


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