xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Writing, Insomnia and Other Holiday Joys

I creep from the warmth of my bed, pressing a kiss to my sleeping companion, and pad over to the sanctuary of this box and its connection with the world outside of me.

Between Christmas panics and struggling perfection, I begin to write. And everything that has been bottled up, waiting for the moment of inception, the epiphany of release, starts to churn inside of me.

I am compiling a birthday book for one of my best friends. It is a journey back to the years that have transformed and sculpted my life. It is everything that I am. And sometimes it is exhausting to write. So I started an OD just for it. I welcome you to follow me struggle through some of my trials and triumphs. I am overjoyed that I am finding things flow much easier. Perhaps insomnia is not such a bad thing after all.

Of course, being lucid during the working day is helpful but with the job I have right now...well, we'll just say it isnt quite "intellectually" demanding or stimulating...:) (ahhh the joys of Christmas retail...)

And so the holidays progress, bringing the REAL millenium closer and closer and the necessity for me to decide what to do with my life more and more pressing.

Oh to the new year....may you herald new and exciting possibilities...

11:30 p.m. - 12/29/2000


Dawning of Winter

Swirling softness and

Cool winds do blow

in eternal eddies

of lamenting snow.

Skies bright with grey

Let loose the blanketing

Quiet to muffle

the Coming of the Day.

So crept it upon us

in the blinking and hustle

of streetlights

Winter awakens

11:29 p.m. - 12/14/2000


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