xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



As I enter the 8th month and baby has less and less room to maneuver around, I feel like a balloon stretched to capacity. On the one hand, I can't wait to see "him" and yet I think I will miss the daily contact we have, intrinsic to pregnancy. I have been relatively fortunate with having few complications and, aside from the gut wretching pain that comes with stretching ligaments, I am feeling wonderful.

Weddin g plans are falling together more and we are starting to concentrate on having all the details line up. Wedding planning weekend will be exciting to have over with....many things that we have been procrastinating about will soon be resolved, out of time necessity.

And so things go...

12:47 a.m. - 4/29/2002


Four years and counting...

On this day, four years ago, one of my best friends passed away and though time flies with the swiftness of one who is enjoying life and sees the road stretched out before her in ambiguous wonder, I feel the need to mark this day, a private celebration of remembrance and friendship.

I did not cry today nor did I feel the need to. I have grown as a person, as a friend and I am profoundly thankful for the ways that she touched my heart and my life. I know this seems cornball and cheesy, but I think that, for me, her death marked my life in so many drastic ways. I began the metamorphasis into who I am today.

Truly a day to remember, to smile, to cherish sweet memories, create new ones and to "thank God for this most amazing..." (ee cummings)

A tribute to you, Sarah, wherever you may be.

I love you and miss you.

12:27 a.m. - 6/25/2001


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