xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Crying it Out: Day 2

Day 2

Well, last night was almost delightful it was so smooth. We could hear her stirring. I think she woke and cried briefly around 2:30am. We held our ground and waited, listening. Before our ten minute let-her-cry window was done, she was quiet again and the night resumed without my having to get out of bed. I think that Dwayne got up and checked on her, but I managed to stay put.

The morning came and she awoke at a reasonable 9:30am. We had a morning snuggle and then got up for breakfast. After tooling around and playing, sorting toys and other things for the Youth Emergency Shelter garage fundraising sale, we came to that dreaded time: naptime. Could I pull off another smooth sleeping transition? I nursed her a bit (stopping before she was alseep) and then put her down in her crib still awake. Predicatably upset, she shrieked blue murder for awhile. We closed the door and let her cry. It took about 15 minutes for her to quiet down but we could stil hear her playing in her crib with some toys. Nevertheless, persistence (no peeking!) paid off with a lovely silence about 30 minutes after I put her down. She slept for almost 3 hours. It was unreal.

How did I spend my free time? Mostly arguing with my husband, but that is neither here nor there in this whole sleep debacle. I also sorted some things and cleaned up a bit. So not thoroughly unproductive.

A mom on the site LinkingParents.com (whoo, local moms!) advised me that things would go really well, get worse and then get better and stay good for awhile. So while I am not super excited at the prospect of things getting worse, I think I can suck it up if things inevitably improve.

Now that I know that she has done it once with little hassle, I am, armed with the knowledge that she can do it again.

And so it goes...

7:17 p.m. - 2003-08-10


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