xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


"Cry" it Out: Day 3

Day 3

Well I am over-the-hill excited with the progrss Julia is making in sleeping! Last night she went to bed about 9:30 and didnt make so much as a peep for almost 12 hours! I was a bit afraid that she was dead so I checked on her enroute to the bathroom about 3am but she was fine and blissfully unaware of my relief.

Of course, now that hubby and I have the bed to ourselves again, more interesting make-up sessions can take place ;) It is amazing how far a bit of sex will go to repairing and coddling ailing relationships. Somehow things are brighter, happier and not as bleak. Huh. Things to keep in mind.

After indulging Julia's crazy Canadian Idol obsession, we watch a bit of Maternity Ward with Rarah before bedtime. It makes me feel a bit of baby envy, we talk about whether or not I would attempt a VBAC or go back to c-section. I lay Julia to sleep after stories and snuggles. Putting Julia down has seriously become so easy. We have a routine, have a rhythm and it is so smooth and great.

And then I come back and tear over the young doctor who is killed while stopping to help other people on a roadway. It is like entering an emotional turmoil. Here we have seen images of chubby babies, silly daddy laughs, effortless c-sections and then, wihout any warning or foreshadowing, he's dead! Gah. How did we beome so entranced with this man so quickly? For me the penultimate moment occurs after one delivery he is showing the placenta and all its wonderous glory to the adoring family. A miracle. Knowing that he touched so many lives makes his death a bit better, and a lot worse. He died saving other people, in the prime of his life.

I hug my hubby a bit harder, laugh a bit longer, smile a bit more. Because as they say on TV, "death makes life important"

8:02 p.m. - 2003-08-11


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