xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


On Snobbery

So this is Day whatever, I have lost track, mainly because Julia has adapted remarkably well to sleeping all night in her own space and I am refreshingly free to dream up silly schemes, attend literacy conferences and other such delights.

I was thinking tonight about snobbery and how it may very well appear that I am one, and a terrible one, at that. I am not as perturbed about it as I might have thought I would be. And upon further reflection I am quite comfortable with the way things are panning out. I was invited to a last minute dinner at an expensive, not very child friendly Greek restaurant. I was embroiled in my literacy conference and had a milion other things to attend to, not the least of which was the life-changing task of sleep training Julia. OK, enough with the excuses, what I didn't do was RSVP. So today, when I decided to go anyway, even just to say hi for a bit, I was told that there wasnt room for us at the table. Fine, I wasnt looking that forward to an awkward few hours watching you all eat food I couldnt afford anyhow. Not that I am bitter. Seriously though the kicker for me was when we were at the restaurant and one person (who had also not RSVP'd "in time" decided not to come (though amazingly enough there was a room for her). And *since* she decided to opt out of dinner, there was (now* room for us. We declined. I felt a bit offended, almost like we were the runners-up for the seat at the table. Maybe I am petty and bitter. maybe I am simply looking for reasons to be unreasonable. But no matter. When She made the big, supposedly exciting announcement that sh was going to a concert in September. I found it hard not to shrug. It was a telling moment. and epiphany, if you will. Because the band that she is going to see was one of the things in the early days of our friendship that kept us close. It was "our" music, "our" band. And tonight, well, frankly, I didnt care. Huh. Maybe I have made this transition and maybe, just maybe I will have the guts to tell her eactly why I did it and why I wouldn't look back.

12:27 a.m. - 2003-08-14


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