xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



My hand is tinged in pinkish goo. It is the remanant of a late night trip to the drugstore for some diaper rash cream and some ten dollar peace of mind.

It was also a night of scruples, laughter, milkshakes and bad TV. Every so often we would giggle over my girl quacking in delight over the seals and sea lions she kept calling ducks.

The silent times were not terribly awkward and the periodic lulls in our conversations were punctuated with sometimes raucous laughter over the benefits of having "two regular screws!"

We discovered we are more alike than different in our opinions and in who we would screw over and why. There never seemed to be a lack of things to talk about, to puzzle over and to share.

We are at that point where we can agree to disagree and respect one another's preferences. We are super-nerdy in so many of the same ways, it is hard to believe some days that it could actually be real. I am so comforted by this friendship I can't even believe it.

We have fallen into that groove where we are excited to spend scads of time with one another, where we can be excited over one another's accomplishments and know how to cheer the other out of a rotten no-good funk. I appreciate her honesty, her candid opinions, her matter-of-fact openness.

I once had another friend with the same name who was as close to me as we are becoming and when I lost her it devastated me to no end. And as I move further away from the comfort of friendships that helped sustain me from that loss, I'll be the first to admit that I have been afraid to let others come this close.


I trust her with my child, with my secrets and with my precious time. She makes me feel validated and I am so grateful for the small things that make her the wonderful person she is.

I have a great friend. And, right now, Sarah's the best friend I've got. Thanks for everything.

12:27 a.m. - 2003-08-28


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