xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


A Bit of Malaise

It is raining today. I woke to a pane of grey stretched across the sky, shadowing and sad. And, maybe it is just the weather but it reflected inside of me too, and I felt rather out of sorts all day.

There was no reason for feeling this way, yesterday was a fabulous sort of day--choir rehearsal for the first time in so long. I was positively delighted by it and couldn't beieve that I'd almost passed on the whole experience. Afterwards the Picnic of Welcome felt less than welcoming because of its brevity but I was in such a great mood that I didn't really mind it so much.

Then Sarah took me for lunch and we pontificated over the way things change, who has gravitated to whom in our circle of friends, and we giggled over silly things (as we do on such a regular basis now). Julia sat in a booster chair through lunch. Who knew that she was big enough to sit in a booster chair without slipping out? Sigh.

I then realized that we couldnt go shopping because Julia, my personal kleptomaniac, had stolen my bank card and so we had to go home to look for where she had hidden it. When we got there, poor tired Sarah fell fast asleep on my couch, and Julia was being fantastic about playing by herself and so I cleaned house. It was brilliant. I found my bank card, incidently, stashed underneath the computer desk.

Dwayne's friends came over after a dinner of tacos and we all played a round of 500 where I showed everyone that I was miserably hopeless at cards. But miserable I was not.

What a nice, old fogey kind of Saturday. A bit of singing, a bit of lunch, some petty gossip and cards. I couldnt find a single thing I disliked about my day, which makes today's malaise so much more puzzling.

A little nap, a bit of Sims, and some writing, perhaps it isn't as bad as all of that.

Plus, we turned on the heat so now it is getting cozy in here.

Maybe I'll have a spot of tea and things will be good.

8:38 p.m. - 2003-09-14


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