xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Nerdiness Abounds!

Good Lord I am the nerdiest person! I know, this isn't much of a relevation or an epiphany and for that I am sorry. Oh and if it is an epiphany for you, then I am also sorry. If you're looking for un-nerdiness you'd best move on.

So tonight was the two hour finale of Canadian Idol. Yes, I watched it. Yes, it was my 15 month old daughter who got me hooked. Yes, she loved it too. I realized afterwards just how nerdy I was when I was watching the final outcome and got SO excited at Gary Beals' defeat.

You heard me right, it wasn't that I LOVED Ryan Malcolm (the first Canadian Idol-who frankly isnt the worst singer, but is also not the best by a long shot) but rather that I HATED Gary Beals. Nothing gave me greater pleasure than seeing the masses gathered in the arena in Halifax watch their hero go DOWN IN FLAMES. Bwahahaha. Oh and Billy Klippert was super cute too--yeah I got a bit misty eyed when i saw them hug onstage.

OK, I already know that I am pathetic. I can live with that. Hubby is so glad that it is finally over and he can stop the howling every Monday and Tuesday nights.

Until next time, that is.

11:54 p.m. - 2003-09-16


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