xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Done at last!

So I did it. If this is a bit disjointed now, that is why. It was crazy madness. I frantically came up with a story line, banged out a thousand words in about 45 minutes with Julia clinging to my legs and then realized that I couldn't finish all the things I wanted to say in another 1500 words. It read, as Dave pointed out, like the beginning of a 600 page novel..It was a huge idea and WAY too much niggling detail to make it workable. But I liked it! I had fun writing it! It flowed, despite frequent whining interruptions and snack breaks! Sigh.

So I started again amidst much prodding from Sarah (and admonishment not to make my ideas so freaking enormous!) I hooked in two other people while I was at it, which kicked ass. It is so much more motivating when people are writing the same contest at the same time and can put the pressure on with you. Theri stories, incidently are so much more succinct then mine, but meh, it was just a challenge to be able have accomplished what I did.

My next idea was much more malleable, and came together quickly inmy head. Less so on paper and I was often distracted by other things. I submitted it, I dont know if it made it in the time limit and I forgot to put a title on it, but I did do everything I set out to do:

-write a sci-fi/fantasy short story

-submit it (and not chicken out)

-have a (somewhat) cohesive story despite writing with Julia underfoot

-find "me time" to just write and write and write

-write a "circular" story

-do it with all the limitations of a contest

Hurray! The nerdiest (but fun!) thing that Sarah and I did this weekend related to the contest was bring our shitty, ancient laptops to Boston Pizza and write for a solid hour and a half. It was so great to feel like I was connecting to another writer, to share the "I'm a real writer" feeling of being out in public with all the stares and (perhaps) contempt that people looked upon us with, the barely surpressed amusement of the waitreses who didnt know where the plug-ins were (but that Sarah easily pointed out to them).

And tonight, after writing another frantic 1500 waords, I was still 19 words short ten minutes from the time limit. I pounded them out and hit send. Just in the nick of time? Maybe. But I then realized that I forgot to put a title on. Sigh. Oh well.

I am just thrilled that I did it! Celebrating by...writing here and watching TLC with Sarah.

Go Nerds, woo!

11:13 p.m. - 2003-09-22


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