xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Sick, 100 Grand and Je-sus!

So I spent all last week at home, tossed up between wiping gook from Julia's eyes and coughing half to death. I've caught a nasty cold/laryngitis type illness and my voice sounds horribly prepubescent. In between moments of feeling icky, I went to a Linking parent picnic, where Julia met a litle girl who was also half-Chinese and half-Caucasian, 14 months old and cute as a button. Her name was Kaylan and Julia immediately tried to hug and kiss her. Poor kid, not the kissy or huggy type though was taken quite aback by this random stranger barreling towards her with nlavish public displays of affection. Ahh. That's my girl. The BBQ itself was OK. I got to meet some of the people I chat with online and match some faces to usernames. I think Dwayne was bored but he was a good sport for coming along anyway.

Later that night Sarah and I went to the Roost for Yames' 30th bday. It felt a bit odd to be there again. I havent been since my stagette a year ago, (almost exactly!) and it was pretty empty, considering it was Saturday night. It was SO great to see him again despite feeling pretty sidelined by everyone else there--until Cara and Doug came along. I suppose that is all part of the fallout of the whole Beth thing. So, after enduring an awkward conversation in a corner booth (within which S and B had a squabble over dumb shit), S and I just decided to take off and go for some tea. The smoke wasnt helping my already crappy voice at all so it was probably for the best. We stayed up chatting til an absurd 3am.

The next day was the amazing "Trading Spaces: 100 Grand" which I watched with Sarah (naturally) and while I was underwhelemed by Lori's room, I absolutely LOVED Doug's. It is nutty how much I kept thinking about what I would have done. The type of renovations I would have loved and what i would have splurged $50,000 on. I dreamt about it all night. Floor to ceiling bookshelves, a big writing desk, and area to organize my scrapbooking and sewing projects, a play area for Julia...big comfy couches and the (wiping drool away) the Sony WEGA system...Gah.

Anyway, I am now back at work and feeling a bit sorry that I have ahad to return. As much as I enjoy being in the kindie class, I would dearly love to spend all day with my punkin. She is hilarious these days.

She has learned how to say "Je-sus!" And, no, we are not religious people ;) Ah, pride in the small things.

9:13 p.m. - 2003-10-06


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