xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Dinner Party

We had turkey!

I am glad to say that the Thanksgiving dinner I made last night went well. At least that is what they tell me. It was kind of a guilt-driven plan, to have Thanksgiving dinner. After all, my parents are away and I havent really entertained my brother or my sister at my house yet. So sometime in the middle of the week I made a plan to have a small get together. As things at the last minute are wont to do, things werent exactly as planned. My sister didnt end up coming due to illness and short notice, and I invited K and Gwyn and Matt to round out the table. My brother, happily, did come and it was nice to spend time with him. We so rarely do anymore and he was pleasantly surprised at the dinner.

Speaking of which I have to say I am pretty proud of pulling off. The turkey was roasted and stuffed, two types of potatoes, mashed and scalloped, gravy, peas (Julia's favourite vegetables) and of course cranberry sauce. Wine with dinner, pumpkin pie for dessert. All served on my new fancy Royal Albert China. (If you can't use the good china when you're having company and your first wedding anniversary, when can you use it?) Julia said grace "Je-sus!" and we all dug in. It was satisfyingly normal and traditional. A new things for this girl who never really grew up with "traditional" holiday dinners and until yesterday had never really cooked a full sit down dinner for that many people. We created a nice dining area in our living room and then rearranged the furniture after it was all through. We sat down to play some cards and watch some hockey.

By the end of the night, the dishes were done, my furniture was back where I wanted it, there were not many leftovers and I was back in the "comfortable full" zone (as opposed to the "good lord I am stuffed" zone.) It was a lovely evening and perhaps a harbinger of dinner parties to come.

11:36 a.m. - 2003-10-12


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