xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


One year and counting

So its been a year since my wedding day and I can't believe that time has flown by so quickly. Granted, there wre moments that seemed to drag along too. But, for the most part, things have trucked along tickety-boo. They tell me that time only goes faster and faster, the years slipping by like water off a duck's back.

We spent a lovely time on Sunday watching "finding Nemo" and having dinner at Tony Roma's. We had a wonderful babysitter for Julia (thanks Sarah!)whom we felt absolutely comfortable leaving Julia with for hours and hours, leaving us free to enjoy our time with one another. We takled about how we'd met, giggled over little silly things and generally enjoyed one another's company, sans baby. Like I said, lovely. He surprised me with a new CD player for the car, and I bought him the much-anticipated "Black Hawk Down" DVD, Special Edition. You dont understand how much of a good wife this makes me until you realize that there are 13 HOURS of special features on 3 DVDs, plus the movie itself. I know, astounding that ANYONE would submit themselves to continuous torture like that. What can you say about love?

Then on Monday morning, I awoke to a beautiful pot of mums with a card (since it was our ACTUAL anniversary on Monday) It was endearingly sweet. He cooked me breakfast and *sigh* it was so nice. We spent the day lounging about on various computers, geeky family that we are, and I got myself addicted to a new computer game: SimCity4. Like I need more distractions in my life. It was a nice lazy way to spen the day and we topped it off with an awesome lasagna dinner at the Party House. If all anniversaries are like this, I think I can handle this marriage thing just fine.

5:39 p.m. - 2003-10-14


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