xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Novel Progress

So I am 8266 words out of 50,000 into my novel. I am finding the writng of it simultaneously frustrating and exhilerating. The feelings I get from writing are unsurpassed and things flow quite easily once I get the jist of what I need to say out of my fingertips and onto the pages.

My typing skills are atrocious and I should write my novels by long hand and then get hubby to scribe them into the computerbut somehow this chicken hen pecking style I have developed over the years seems to work OK for me and though I waste SO much time going back to fill in letters that I have reversed and horribly misspelled (to the point of not being legible) I still enjoy the feeling of typing.

Other frustrations include (but are certainly not limited to) characters that are completely taking on lives of thier own (I didnt plan to have an obsessive compulsive neat freak main character, or all these random secondary characters. Or the freaking love triangle that just popped out of nowhere!) Its not that I mind that they show up but I just have a hard time controlling where they are going! it makes for the long term projection of where I wanted the novel to end much more difficult.

OK. I know that sounds ridiculously whiny--too many characters that are going about life all on their own? Alright, I'll stop, but it still makes for difficult writing. That said, i am so thrilled with the amount I have written. It is far better than I had anticipated and I am certainly more competitive than I had thought I would be by this point in the month.

Alright. im dont now. Bed for me. Early rising is going to kill me without some sleep.

11:41 p.m. - 2003-11-03


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