xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



I have what you might call, ecclectic reading taste. I read most everything. I draw the boring line at country westerns and pulp fiction. I stomach most science fiction, though I don't go out of my way to read it, and I will pick up the occasional non-fiction surgical manual. Mostly, though, in the little time I can snatch away from reading the myriad of blogs, the online newspaper, kindergarten how-to books and behavioural manuals and the emails that deluge my inbox, I read cookbooks. Yes and flyers. But we have already discussed that particular obsession.

In a small aside, when a friend recently sent out an email searching for a coupon in a recent flyer, I knew exaclty which one she was talking about and I didn't even have to think about it. I know this is vaguely disturbing and more than a little pathetic but I chose not to immediately respond because I thought that of the multitude of people she had sent the email to, someone else must know what she was referrring to. After a days or two of looking at the flyer and at the email in my inbox, I responded. And guess what? I was the ONLY one who had any inkling of what she was referring to. How is that possible? Ahem. I just realized this could take up an entry unto itself.

So back to the topic at hand: cookbooks. I love reading them. I can't get enough. I dont exactly know what it is, part of it is pure fantasy--thinking that perhaps one day I might be able to squeak out a dish that loks similar to the one in the picture--and part of it is knowing that for most of them, I have no desire to even attempt it. I suppose that reading the lists of ingredients, getting a feel for what types of things actually can be paired up in a dish (without making everything go south) makes experimentation, when it happens, much easier.

Anyway, I keep hoards of cookbooks that I really ought to just ditch because they are not really useful to me in my real life. but in that hazy time of "perhaps, someday" and "maybe when I have a spare moment" I like to think that I would spend it cooking up feasts in my kitchen to the adoring masses that flock to my house. Ha!

OK, beditme for me, I think. I shall be dreaming of large mincemeat pies. Mmmmmmincemeat.

8:53 p.m. - 2003-12-10


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