xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Holiday Glow

OK, the Grinch has left the building.

Yesterday was the first of many holiday get-togethers and it was simply wonderful. There was a houseful of people whom I haven't talked with in a long time, babies-roly poly and bald as heck-in various stages of moving and exploring, gloriously good food-mmmmshrimp-, and just sheer holiday fun. We laughed over how it used to be the party of the year where people were guaranteed to get drunk and stupid and oh, maybe happen to talk about dumb things like flyers and go around saying "How you doin'?". Ahem. Other people, you know. And now, with a present free-for all for the babies and early leavings because of other commitments, I think we have simply grown up and become the types of people who have parties that are a bit more grown up. There was laughter and hugs, stories and old memories mingled with new ones. And, most of all, I noticed that the old stories didn't dominate the conversations. We are beyind simply reminicing and it is making things take on a shinier glow, as friendships become golden all around.

And even today the feeling continues, a long string of happy glowing feelings that make me wan to crank up the Christmas tunes to drown out my neighbour's banging and whirl around my freshly cleaned house. Now that my place is actually clean, I am feeling much better about the prospect of having company over.

Ack! Hee. Even my daughter's attempts just now to thwart nature's course by drawing her own mustache in where nature will hopfully never create one of its own on her face with blue permenent Sharpie can do nothing to dampen my spirits. And thankfully it has mostly disappeared.

I am looking forward to this week's whirlwhind of activity, looking forward to the cookie making extravaganza on Saturday, looking forward to the huge dinner on Sunday evening. Most of all, I am looking forward to the 23rd and the entire week that I have off from work!!!

Wheee! My daughter has learned the command "get me a new book!" so i don't have to read the same toddler book ad nauseum. Very useful trick, that one.

3:56 p.m. - 2003-12-14


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