xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Catching Up

So much to talk about, so little time.

First off, the job dumping went well. Well, as good as can be expected, considering that I was quitting a job that I have been at less than two months. Everyone has been cool and things have been less awkward than I anticipated. The kids are getting all riled up about Christmas and everyday that we squeak closer to holiday time, the crazier they get. Ah well, they are definitely making it easier to leave the hectic life of a daycare teacher.

Oh yes, I was going to tell you about my in-laws Christmas gift for hubby and I. Yes. Well first off you have to remember that they are by nature odd, extravagant and wealthy people who wade about in their oilsands lifestyle all year long plotting what types of things that they can spring on us come Christmas time. Well maybe not exactly but not impossibly. Anyway. A few weeks ago they had called hubby up to ask him to send our wish list of things and specifically what new furniture we would like. Now we are just about to move in with my parents, remember, so there isn't a whole lot of new room for new furniture. We hemmed and hawed but they kept on asking so finally we said that perhaps we could stand to replace the old rickety dresser that has been in hubby's possession since he was about 8. We recieved a call from them on Monday morning asking us when it would be convenient for our furniture to be delivered. Luckily, hubby had the presence of mind to ask what the furniture was. Oh it was a dresser, of course. But that's not all. No. See they felt it would be too odd to have mismatched furniture...(do you see where this is going??) so instead of just one piece of furniture, they bought us a whole bedroom suite. Yeah. Sleigh bed, dresser, night tables, the whole she-bang. Oak. Not that I mind, you know. It's nice to have nice furniture. But gah. Where on earth was it supposed to go?? We have all of those things now so to have two sets of it in our house would be nutty. So we arranged for it to be delivered right to my parent's house. Might as well skip the extra step, right? Excuse me while I have a small freak out at my crazy in-laws. Ah, lucky am I to complain of such things.

Oh and in further adventures of the downstairs wench, last night everything came to a head and we had a lovely *ahem* yelling match about the noise. Julia was taking tupperware out of a bin while I was on the phone. Suddenly we heard the thumping. Again. So hubby, finally fed up with her harassment, thumped back. She came storming upstairs and they had a bit of a tussle. She invited him back downstairs to have a listen to the noise and how annoying it could be. She threatened to have us thrown out. Hurray! I went downstairs and told her that there was no way in he.l that I was going to stop Julia from carrying around toys, or watching where she walks all the time. I agreed to quiet time after 7pm but told her that if she thumped again at 10am on Saturday I wasn't going to stand for it. We'll see how things go for Cookie Party on Saturday. We talked to the landlord later too and I think that he is considering asking us to leave too. Yay! I know it seems a bit odd to be celebrating eviction, but if he does, we are not breaking the lease and will not have to pay the $1600 penalty for doing so. YAY!!!

OK, back to the grind. Only 2 more days of work and then I am off for Christmas break!!!!!!!!!!

1:25 p.m. - 2003-12-18


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