xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


Happy Christmas!!!

So much more that I expected this Christmas!

I know, I know. I shuldn't be surprised at their extravagance--their generosity has always been ever-present and I am lucky to have fallen into a family like this--as many quirks as they have and as odd as they may appear.

Grandpa loves Julia so much it is unreal and seems to be really looking forward to having the pitter patter of more little feet next Christmas.

Highlights of the gifts for Julia: Her favorite so far is the ride-on Princess moblie--it sings! it dances! it is freaking annoying! It is not coming home with us! When we get to the new place, she can ride it to her heart's content in the basement. I think that the downstairs lady would have a heart attack if we brought it home with us right now. She also got a Chou Chou doll--it cries! it laughs! it falls asleep! Yeah can you say interactive? Well, I can't really complain about this last one, after all, we requested it so that she could havea "practice run" so that by next July, perhaps, the first thing she won't want to do anymore is poke the baby's eyes out.

For me, Deluxe edition Scrabble from hubby that promises to be ultra-fancy and super nice to play, a bleautiful new tea kettle, SimCity 4, more scrapbooking software, $50 at Chapters and new knitted slippers to replace the raggedy old ones I keep around. Of course there is tons more (yes, in addition to the furniture that is already sitting in our place) and Dwayne got West Wing: Season 1!!! And a new game called "In Pursuit" that promises to be cutthroat and brutal. Just the type of thing we have come to love playing with our game-playing friends. Hurray! Ahhh, spoiled.

OK, must go now, Scrabble is awaiting me while Julia is caught up in her Lion King ritual.

Happy Christmas eveyone!!! Hope your haul was as good as mine!

11:05 a.m. - 2003-12-25


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