xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary


New Year approaches

So here I am, on the cusp of another year.

So many exciting things have happened in 2003 and 2004 promises to be an amplified version. I havent the time or the energy right now to ponder all teh things that have happened along the way, nor to enumerate the things that will come. Suffice to say, they are on the burners and I shall deal with them as they come. I suppose that is all we can do, deal with things as they arise. No use in anticipating problems, I think. This last bit is something that is a bit of a personal goal. Anticipating problems only leads to frustration that time ticks by--too fast or too slow--and there is nothing I can do about he past or the future except watch and play it out as it rolls by my door.

So my job is ended on Friday. They do not need me next week and I have my paycheck in hand covering all of my shifts up to and including the end of this week. I shovelled off some resumes last night as we panicked about the prospect of debt and such and to my pleasant surprise, I got a nice bite from the Red Cross. I have a telephone interview with them on Friday and I anticipate things to go well in that department. (Knock on wood, fingers crossed)

Our financing has been 99% approved by the mortgage company and I think that we are going to be able to meet the conditions they have stipulated in order to make it work. So, hurray us, I think we have a townhouse. I have been plundering decorating books because I watch too many decorating shows and I have grandiose ideas in my head :)

Still feel a bit dizzy, a bit nauseated and a bit woozy frm being snivelly, but I look forward to the madness that is tonight. Hubby and I are off to join his friends celebrate an engagement and to just shoot the shit as the new year flips from the old to the new. It will be the first new year's since I have had this group of friends that I will not be with them and the prospect feels odd. To think that I will not get to hug them, kiss them and wish them all the best...well, odd is putting it lightly. Still, we have always rung inthe year with my friends while hubby watched idly by, it is only fair that we get to switch it up every once in a while.

So, I have to run back to the hooligans that are my kids ( still high from the Santa holiday and ready to ring in the new year with noisemakers and gusto) and maybe make some paper hats for them to wear while watching the fireworks.

TTFN, with love.

1:30 p.m. - 2003-12-31


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