xeryfyn's Diaryland Diary



I think the idea of having my very own place has galvanized some decluttering gene in me (ha!)

I have already amassed four garbage bags filled with clothes, toys and books to be donated to some unknown place. I feel as though I am moving tooslowly some days and yet the process of decluttering is pretty draining as I examine the minutae that has built up in our lives.

Over Christmas our VCR finally bit the dust and we have come to teh conclusion that we really dont need to replace it. After all, we NEVER watch VHS anymore, what with the plethora of DVDs (Lion King) that we own and the ones that await us in the stores. We also never tape anything off of the TV, since there is nothing that we watch on a regular basis and dont really mind turning off a show halfway through even when something does catch our attention. We have also come to the realization that we will likely not be re-subscribing to cable when we move. All things being equal, we dont spend that much time watching things we care anything about and it has become more of a time wasting distraction than anything. Of course, I suppose this is the hsllmark of TV and we should just take it at face value, but it isnt worth that much to us. We spend far more time on the computers and reading and I think I like it that way.

So now we have VHS tapes that we dont know quite what to do with--I suspect after my sister has rummaged through it and taken what she wants, we will take the remaining ones to the Wee Book and hope they throw a bit of change our way and we will go along our merry way.

Somehow, this time around, decluttering fels a lot easier, letting go of things is quicker and less agonizing. Either I am getting older and things are losing thier sentimentality, or the things i thought were valuable have not proven their worth to me over time. In any case, it is an eye-opening experience and it will be interesting to see what falls out of the process in terms of placement in the new place. Already there is a huge shift becuase we have two "living areas"--upstairs inteh living room, where the fireplace is, we are planning a library/reading area with Sol (my computer) and downstairs in the "den" we will put the TV and Luna (hubby's computer). And the Princess mobile. Suddenly, the TV wont be on when I am cooking and Julia wont always be reminded that the Lion King could be on all the time. It will shift the balance in favour of other hobbies, I hope. Now, I just have to find one that doesnt create too much clutter ;)

12:24 p.m. - 2004-01-08


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